Copywriting Tips

Within this article today on copywriting tips, we'll look at how you can acquire more clients as well as improve your writing skills.

Improving these two skills will allow you to have a meteoric rise in the income that you bring in. Many copywriters are very strong in their profession but are not very good at procuring clients. If you are able to sell yourself to potential clients, you'll never find yourself short of work. The ability to sell yourself is what will set you apart from all the other freelance copywriters out there. You must make sure that you have a portfolio of your best work. Within this portfolio, you'll want to have a letter explaining your qualifications along with samples of your writing as well as testimonials from your previous jobs. If you are able to e-mail this to your potential clients, this will help set you apart. They can see the professional work you have done in the past as well as the client base that you currently work with. If you are able to reference Fortune 500 companies you have worked with, this will continue to improve your credibility. If you are just starting out in the copywriting field, delete the potential references and replace this with more work that you have done in the past. If you have worked for an advertising agency and are beginning to freelance, make sure to include some the work that you have done at the advertising agency.

Two possible ways that you can acquire clients are to post at different contracting websites such as or You can also research companies who you can potentially see if they need work. If you spend time reading the business section every day, cut out articles that might be within your particular field and keep them in a centralized location. This could be a potential source of leads for you depending upon how the companies are doing and if it is in a predicament where your skills may be needed

If you want to learn more about writing great copy, look into learning more about Dan Kennedy. He is one of the world's foremost experts on direct selling and reading through his book will give you some insights into how to write great copy. The book that you want to specifically pick up is called "The Ultimate Sales Letter." This book breaks down the Kennedy system of writing great copy. By taking the time to read through this, you'll be able to see what he has done to be so successful and he takes the time to look through different examples that you can see what works with in many of these advertisements.

Hopefully this article today on copywriting tips has proven to be beneficial to you. Stephen King was once quoted in Time magazine that writing is similar to working out. When you work out and lift weights, within a period of time, you'll find yourself becoming much stronger and more muscular. The same can be applied to copywriting. If you continue to develop your skills and write habitually every day, you'll find yourself becoming a better writer over the course of time. The key behind copywriting tips is that you must apply them.


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