The Future of Computer Programming

When it comes to the world of computer programming, it would be safe to say that the future is bright. And why is that so? Gone are the days when only the rich and powerful have the tools to educate themselves. Nowadays, a single household possesses at least one computer. There are a lot of brilliant minds out there who are constantly on their toes to bring about the latest developments in computer programming.

To make their dream a reality, it is necessary to begin where all computer programmers begin—at grade school. Computer programming is now being introduced to the youngest minds. Educational materials that are targeting languages in programming and also development tools are now being introduced in most schools’ curriculums.

But this is still an ongoing vision. Somewhere in the near future, computer programming (not just computer usage) will be just another ordinary subject such as writing, reading or arithmetic. A study shows that this vision is slowly unfolding as teenagers are responding positively to programming exercises and are even able to control several virtual worlds in just a few days.

Mass computer programming literacy is a work in progress. When even the most simple citizen is able to explain the designs of software with ease, then creativity will abound and so with productivity. But what is computer programming in the future? Is it more on art or engineering? Or both?

One renowned computer architect named Gordon Morrison states that computer programming is recently in a form of art. When this is so, it means that the current knowledge in programming is disorganized and changeable. He proposes further that in changing programming into engineering (which is a more precise form) then the future of programming will become more stable.

Perhaps, one good way to predict the future of programming is by looking at the available jobs for computer programmers these days. Consider these career options: a single system programmer is able to install and maintain mainframe ops systems, management software for databases, and also networks for communications. They can also become compilers or utility programmers.

Another good way to foretell what is in store for computer programming is to look at the television and some science fiction films that are being produced lately. In the past, the TV series called The New Adventures of Wonder Woman showed talking computers and robots which were causes of awe. Today, those are not impossibilities.

The use of hardware has progressed tremendously over the past years and software development is tailing behind. Software processes are still on the if-and-then phase and users are wondering whether this will really change. Although there are predictions that programming languages would soon be on its fifth generation (where the recent languages would become obsolete), still, this visualization still hasn’t pushed through. Which leads others to ask, has software development reached its peak? Will there be no more developments? Is this as far as it could go?

Sure, there are modernizations here and there when it comes to new languages but they remain at a certain phase. It doesn’t go a notch higher. Perhaps, software would be the technological limit that would cap computer programming advancement. But only perhaps.

There are always minds out there that constantly grind to provide the latest in programming innovation. We can only watch and predict for now. And yes, we could only wonder.


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