Conflict And Its Resolution In Comic Books

The conflict and its resolution in comic books is an interesting aspect to the comic book world. The non-superhero comic book has conflict resolutions in them because that is the basis of that type of story. In comic books, the detective gets a client who has a problem that needs to be resolved. The detective seeks out clues and it builds into a climax where an answer needs to be found soon. The conflict captures the reader's attention and the resolution is tied into the main character's persona. If the detective is inept then the conflict and its resolution may disappoint the reader, or the incompetent detective may get a flash of brilliance and captures the bad person. Whereas the main character is portrayed as competent then the chances of catching the criminal is expected.

In comic books, from time to time, the bad person is just as intelligent as the good one. A nemesis that can thwart the hero of the story has alluring appeal. It may take several issues of the comic book for the hero to take the bad people into custody. If a hero becomes to strong then the reader loses interest. A balance should be struck where the hero screws up every occasionally to make them appear more human.

Additionally sometimes heroes can become an antihero. Their methods of incarcerating criminals might run contrary to their counterparts. Their intentions were noble but their techniques were suspect. Usually the hero does not understand other people's reaction since the punishment should fit the crime. They become disenchanted with the heroes around them. If they belonged to an affiliation, they soon leave and strike out on their own. That scenario is played out because it is central to have a comic book hero have their own magazine, or it helps build up suspense should he or she come in contact with the other heroes again. In comic books, the antihero and the hero dilemma underscore a growing trend. To humanize a character, whether or not he or she is a hero, is important.

The antihero feels rejected by his or her peers, which is a human emotion. Many people feel rejected so they can relate to the conflict the hero is facing. Sometimes a resolution is not around the corner and the hero actually becomes worse. The methods employed turn out to be far worse than intended. It usually takes most of the heroes to confront the antihero and make him or her see their discrepancies. If the antihero comprehends his erroneous methodology then change is likely to happen for the better. If a resolution is not found then the antihero usually falters and you are likely to see him or her becoming the main nemesis.

Consequently, the conflict and its resolution in comic books is a decisive way to figure out where you stand. Do you agree with the antihero and the means employed? On the other hand, do you agree with the antihero but not with how it was handled? Are the heroes in the right? Such questions only enhance the imagination. Conflict and resolution in comic books are good recipes to sustain readership.


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