Help for Colic

Hearing a baby cry is part of life. This is because the infant cannot talk yet to say what he or she wants so the parents have to do whatever it takes to make it stop. Should this occur longer than usual, some will overreact and think there is something wrong with the child.

Some will even drive the newborn to the hospital only to find out that this is normal. Doctors will explain that this is just an indication that the baby is colic.

The colic phase occurs during the first three weeks until the third or fourth of age. This may seem like a long time but this too shall pass gradually.

There are various causes why this happens but the only thing that the parents should focus on is how to make it stop.

Parents should be well aware that this may happen at anytime. It can happen early in the morning, in the afternoon when the baby should be napping or late at night. This is because the biological clock of a newborn is very different than an adult.

Those who are raising the infant will wake up and won’t even get the usual amount of sleep. This will leave the couple feeling even if there is a shifting schedule.

When the baby cries, ignoring it won’t make it stop. Someone has to get up and see what is wrong. The baby’s diapers may need to be changed or it has to be fed. If this is not the problem, maybe holding the infant in one’s arms and singing a lullaby can work.

One thing that parents should not forget to do after breastfeeding is making the child burp. This is known to be one of the causes of colic.

The standard checks do not change during the daytime. Sometimes, the baby needs a new atmosphere so bringing it out can work. The parents can use a carriage then just relax in the park or go for a drive in the car.

A warm bath can also help the colic baby stop crying. This is because the same thing works for adults who need an outlet to let the stress out. The temperature of the water should be checked before putting the newborn in since it could be too hot for the skin.

The use of accessories can also help remedy the colic baby. Toys can be hung around the crib while a CD can be played in the background. These things don’t cost that much and are effective in letting the baby get the much needed rest.

Aside from the accessories and the tender loving care given by the parents, the mother can also help the colic child by watching the food intake.

Some foods are known to produce gas and this is passed on to the baby in the form of milk during breastfeeding. This can be prevented by knowing which products should not be eaten. If this doesn’t work, this is the only time that Simethicone drops should be given.

Raising a baby will have its highs and lows. The colic phase is just the first of many challenges that the parents will experience. Hiring a babysitter to assist during this time can help but nothing compares to the loving care of both the father and the mother.


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