Step By Step Guide To Chiropractic CareDespite the recognized safety and effectiveness of chiropractic care, it is a standard procedure that chiropractors follow to conduct an assessment of a patient's health history before proceeding to actual treatment. To do this, a patient is asked to fill out a form that will supply all the information a doctor needs to assess their health history. There are two reasons why health history assessment is done. First, it helps doctors recognize any risk factors that might be causing current medical condition that a patient is complaining about. Second, it enables chiropractors to evaluate the best method of chiropractic treatment to use for a patient's condition while taking into account any risk factors. Consultation With Chiropractor Once the assessment of health history is through, your doctor will then discuss with you about what possible method of chiropractic care can be used to treat your condition. S/he might begin by discussing where the physical strain has rooted from and how chiropractic measures can address it. In this stage, your chiropractic doctor might even explain specific methods of spinal adjustments or manipulation suited specifically for providing relief on your health dilemmas. Initial Examination This phase in chiropractic care is done to create a physical assessment of a patient's condition. This will help produce a deeper assessment of the patient's health to back up the information provided upon the initial health history assessment. *Tests This particular form of physical examination on a patient about to undergo chiropractic care is aimed at understanding the extent of the patient's condition. It often begins by checking on the patient's spinal range of motion. This is done even when the patient does not complain about any form of spinal pain. This is essential because your spine is central to all range of motion available to the body. Other tests performed include orthopedic tests, reflexes, and neurological tests. There are two aspects of the human body that is being analyzed here: the posture and reflexes. *X-ray Anyone who has to undergo chiropractic treatment must be subjected to full-length X-ray tests to the spine. The purpose of the x-ray test is to ensure that your spine is in its natural state, able to bear the weight of your body. Any misalignment on your spine, back, or joints are assessed through x-rays. Along with this type of test are other related examinations such as studying the range of motion, soft tissue palpation on the spine, among others. Evaluation of Tests Your doctor will keep a record of all your health history check and assessment through the tests conducted. You will then be asked to return for a full explanation of the results of the test to determine whether chiropractic care can be a recommended treatment for you. For patients, make sure to ask as much questions as you like regarding your condition to ensure that any decision made poses no risks to your health. Chiropractic Correction and Treatment If you have been approved for chiropractic care, your doctor proceeds onto the correction or adjustment of any subluxations on your spine or joint. The purpose of the adjustment is to restore the natural position of your vertebrae since any form of misalignment are causing you pain or irritation, especially when trying to move the body parts affected. If the misalignment continues, your vertebra's soft tissues, ligaments, and muscles are strected. Therefore, it needs to be rehabilitated. The length of the session varies according to the extent of a patient's condition. Some might experience immediate relief upon their first spinal adjustment, while others might require a long treatment period. In fact, there are some individuals who have to undergo long-term chiropractic care. Comments |
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