The Child Protection Act

A child is considered to be a gift of God. It is heart wrenching when we read cases of child abuse in the newspaper. Child abuse in the form of sexual, emotional and physical is strictly prohibited. Anyone found guilty in this regard is sure to land in jail. In order to protect children from these intolerable cruelties child protection act has been formed.

Cruelty towards children is not only a crime but also a sin. Child abuse in the form of punishments is commonly seen in schools. These children keep quiet as they are ignorant of the child protection laws.

Punishing children for a mistake is not a proper way to treat children. The child protection act came into existence in 1989 at a time when there was considerable tension. Children should be made aware of their rights. It is our duty to safeguard their rights. Children who are abused constantly are likely to suffer in adulthood.

Under the child protection act, every child is entitled to protection from neglect and abuse. Children have same fundamental freedom and basic rights that are exercised by adults. They have to right to preserve and safeguard these rights. Parents are given responsibility of taking proper care of their children. Supervision of children is another responsibility of children. Children can be removed from this responsibility when they attain the proper age.

It is the responsibility of the family members to prevent children from any kind of abuse. Linguistic, racial and cultural heritage of every child should be protected. Under this act child abuse is defined as emotional, mental, physical, or exploitation of the child. Injury or mistreatment of the child is also considered as an abuse.

People who are unaware of the child protect act can always refer to the internet. There are various websites that provide information about child protection act. A number of books are written on child protection act.

A number of non governmental organizations are promoting the child protection act. It is our responsibility to see to it that the rules and regulations of child protection act are strictly followed in all schools and other educational institutions.

Under the child protection act punishing children for small reasons is not allowed. By doing this cruel act it can hamper rthe growth and overall development of children. In 1993 national child protection act came into force in United States. The main aim was to improve the quality of all childrens lives who maybe in danger and lower the abuse records.

According to the child protection act children will be given police protection if their life is found to be in danger from abuse. According to this act a child should not abused or mistreated under any circumstances. Child abuses if any should be reported and should not be allowed to get away with that type of behavior.

Child protection act has been implemented for the benefit of the child and hence everyone should strictly follow it.


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