Be Alert And Be Aware Of The Sign Of Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy is the disorder that every parent should always watch out whenever their new child is still carried within the mother’s womb or being born. It may impair certain abilities of the child such as motor and learning skills. Diagnosing the child for any signs of cerebral palsy will be of great help in determining the proper treatment for him/her.

The question that will certainly pop-up instantly in your mind is “what are the signs that may indicate the possibility of a child to have cerebral palsy?” Although the exact cause has yet to be determined, the signs that will be discussed in this article can give you a hint if your child is suffering from cerebral palsy or not. Read on and learn more about the signs.

There are different signs which may determine the presence of cerebral palsy depends on the child’s age. A newly-born infant may show the following signs which are an indication of cerebral palsy presence in him/her?

• Suckling difficulties
• Abnormality and breathing or
• Bowel evacuating

As the infant grows, there are other signs to look out such as the consistent use of the half part of the body compared to the other half and favoring a particular posture compared to the other one. The infant who is usually stiff, lacking any facial expressions, disorganized eye movements, head movements not following where a particular sound came from, and lack of any active response to any level of human voice can give you a cue if something is wrong.

In addition, if the child is having difficulty to perform basic movements such as rolling, crawling, smiling, and walking suggest possible presence of cerebral palsy. His/her hands are shaking. Making it difficult for them to grasp and play with their toys.

Other cerebral palsy signs also depend on the type the child is suffering into. The following are summary of the possible symptoms for each type of cerebral palsy:

• A child suffering from spastic diplegics has the typical scissors gait where the legs are crossing at the knees.

• If he/she has spastic hemiparesis, he/she may have uncontrollable tremors on the other half of his/her body.

• Athetoid cerebral palsy-affected children have difficulty in writing as well as movements on their extremities.

• Ataxic cerebral palsy-affected children are experiencing difficulty in executing basic motor tasks such as buttoning shirts and tremors also occurs while doing voluntary movements.

Always remember that once you have noticed any signs present on your child, he/she must be brought immediately to your physician for more accurate diagnosis.


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