Tips on Choosing a Business School

Some people enroll in a business school just for fun, for leisure. Some say it's for experience, for others career advancement is their reason. Other professionals would say going to business schools is required for a possible job promotion. Peer pressure is also one, "My friends are enrolling in a business school so I'm going to join them too." No matter what the reason may be, choosing a business school may affect your career or lifestyle. It is imperative that we analyze the business schools first before you enroll, this will help determine your future career.

The website of The School of Management at the University of Dallas in Texas provides the Top 100 rankings of Business Schools. Business Week also features B-Schools page in their site that presents Business School Rankings and profiles. also gives out International Side by Side rankings of the best Business Schools. can also help you in identifying top business schools for grads and undergrads. We may use the database of these sites to track down credentials if a Business School of your choice is really worth your time, money, and effort.

Before you spend money for the enrollment, isn't it wise if we will examine first the profile of the school and consider some important aspects? Here are some guidelines to light your path.

* Degree
Does the Business School your eyeing for offers a degree that you want? There are even several options whether you would like to take a 2-year or 4-year program. If the degree that you wish to take is not in the list then look for another school, don't waste your time in a school where your chosen degree is not offered.

* Cost
Can you afford the tuition fee and other possible expenses? Next thing that you will consider is the cost of your enrollment, is it worth your money? If you are really dying for that school and don't have enough budget you can apply for a part-time job for an extra income before the enrollment. In this case, you can gather more funds by saving for your tuition fee. You're lucky if you don't have a problem with the budget but it doesn't end there...

* Future
Consider the graduates of the school if they are achievers or successful in their fields. Most likely, the products of that Business School reflect the capability and excellence of the school. If you know a graduate of that school, have a little chit chat with him and get some feedback or bits of advice. After all, your goal is to obtain a brighter future right?

* Curriculum
Request for a curriculum and study it carefully. Is it broadly focused like a general program for business administration or is it narrowly focused meaning there are areas of specialization? Which program works best for you? If you are more on production, then choose a curriculum that is specialized in production.

* Facilities
Isn't it more convenient to study in a school equipped with great facilities, classrooms, libraries, and other buildings? This will add up to the school's competitiveness and degree of professionalism.

* Schedule
Does the school offer a more flexible class schedule? Does it only have one day fixed schedule? Know what is best for you. Do not choose a class schedule that overlaps your other work activities. You do not want to run in late always do you? You can only serve one master at the same time.

* Faculty
Get to know the faculty staff of the school. Are they morally upright? Are they also academically outstanding with masteral degrees and achievements in their own fields? Consider those instructors that you will encounter, are they worth your time? You should be able to learn a lot from them that will be beneficial for your growth personally and professionally. The teachers should be dedicated enough in teaching othewise you're just trashing money and wasting time on them.

* Dignity or Reputation
If you can afford to enroll in a prestigious Business School then do it. There are sites that you can visit, as mentioned a while ago, to determine the high ranking business schools. Bear in mind also that not all top-ranked Business Schools have good reputation. Enroll in a school that is and was not involved in any malicious or unethical scandals, this way the dignity and integrity of the school is preserved.

* Student Feedback
Sometimes, reading thorugh the brochures and official websites of these schools are not sufficient if you are a bit reluctant about the credentials of the school. Interview some students and get reactions from them. Based from their comments was the school good enough for you or are you not satisfied with what you heard?

There you go folks! Those are just some of the factors that you should watch out for in choosing a Business School. Keep in mind that you hold your future, no matter how perfect and how outstanding your Business School is if you don't strive for better perfromance, it will all be wasted. The abovementioned are only standards or criteria that will guide your way but in the end, it all depends on you.


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