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Business Credit Cards: What You Should Know on Their Possible DisadvantagesBut as tempting as these company credit cards may sound, remember that the common error of a lot of business owners is that they do not consider the disadvantages that these credit cards may include. Many have made huge mistakes in running their finances with such business credits that have often led to personal-liability. This is why you need to know about the disadvantages and learn what you can do to either handle or prevent them from ruining your business. What are the Drawbacks of Business Credit Cards? What a lot of small business owners do not realize is that when they are only initially starting out on a business and have not yet established a business credit score, their professional and personal finances can be blended. This is because most credit cards require a personal liability agreement from the business owner at least for the first few years when company is just starting out. Therefore, the business owner can be held liable for any problems with the company’s credit account. For example, if your company fails to make payments on time then this could significantly dent your personal credit score despite the fact that this is not a personal transaction. Other possible disadvantages that business credits may have include the large possibility for employees to abuse the use of company credits by charging personal purchases. Aside from this, fewer protections may come with it as compared to a personal credit card because the intended use of these credits are for company purposes and not personal. Higher interest rates are also usually charged by business credit cards as compared to personal credit cards. What You Can Do To Control Mismanagement of Business Credits? Despite the possible disadvantages that credit cards may bring, remember that these things can only happen if there is a mismanagement of your credit account. What you can do is set certain precautions so as to avoid such drawbacks from happening. Remember to register your company with a business credit bureau as they can help you establish a business credit score, which will later on help you forgo with the personal-liability agreement. Also remember to manage your company’s financial transactions well. Build a favorable credit history by making the right payments and avoid making huge debts that your business cannot afford. More importantly, when you’re only starting out, remember that it cannot be avoided for you to be personally liable to debts therefore learn to use credits wisely. It would also be helpful to take extra precautions by placing minimal credit limits for employees and reporting abuse of your company’s credit account. Remember that business credit cards can help your company a lot, but they are not flawless and therefore one has to be smart in using them. Remember to take the extra precautions and always be careful with your finances. Through this, when you avail a credit card for your company, you can make it work for you and allow it to become a partner in making your business grow instead of giving you liabilities. Comments |
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