Comparing Sourdough and Sourbread

Originally, sourdough points to the cultures of various microbes located in the San Francisco area. Later on, the term refers to miners who brought sourdough starters everywhere they go. In recent periods, the growth of huge-scale commercial baking, plus the invention of different dough flavouring agents, led to sourdough referring to any type of sour bread, regardless of whether it is leavened with natural leaven starter or using commercial baker's yeast. The term may confuse a number of individuals, but knowing the details and understanding how it is made can better improve your technique.

The Differences

Sourdough starter is a culture of natural or wild yeast, together with lactobacilli in a medium of liquid and flour. It is propagated using ongoing feedings or refreshments with the sole purpose of leavening bread dough. It is ongoing and continues from one activation or bake to another. Sourdough bread has been leavened using a sourdough starter. It may or may not be a sour bread, based on the characteristics of the starter.

Sourdough is the term used to describe the natural leaven of natural or wild yeast and lactobacilli. It is the process of leavening bread using a natural leaven. The yeasted starter describes the starter that has the commercial bakers' yeast.

Being Sour

Sour bread, also known as faux sourdough, describes any kind of bread that has the sour flavor, because of a flavouring agent like souring salts, ingredients like vinegar or yogurt or process that does not include a natural leaven starter or a sourdough.

Sourdough bread does not have need to be sour bread. Sourdough bread can be very sour, although it is also normal for it not to be sour. It can be subtly flavored using delicious and rich wheaty flavors. With sourdough, the level of sourness will depend on several factors like the kind of grains, temperature, length of fermentation, specific yeast strains and lactobacilli and the amount of water.

About Hooch

As the starter is left in the refrigerator, the mixture will begin to separate, leading to a layer of liquid forming at the top. The liquid will have about 12 to 14 percent alcohol. Hooch is described as the alcoholic by-product of the process of fermentation. This is will feature a unique brownish color. The alcohol dissipates while baking. You can stir the liquid back into the starter before you use it. Hooch can build up in the starter, especially if you keep it in the refrigerator. You can pour it or stir it back inside. You can mix the hooch back in if the sourdough starter is on the dry area. Throw it away if the starter is very moist.

Natural Leavens

Starters created using commercial bakers' yeast are not natural leavens. These are actually yeasted starters that do not produce the same results in terms of shelf-life, flavor and texture like natural leaven starters. It is possible that a yeasted starter can be taken over using natural yeasts and changing it into a natural leaven.

By Robert Perkis
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On Breadmaking Ingredients
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