Fake is not always bad

It's painful, it could turn out to be annoying, and the end result may be detrimental to one's health, well-being and social status. So why turn to the whole painful process of piercing when one can fully utilize the array of fake or non-piercing body jewelry available in the market today.

You'll be surprised at the variety and the ingenuity of the fake body jewelry's designs and style. From simply clipping, to the use of magnets, from simple suction features to the more stylish spring action mechanisms, non-piercing body jewelry have slowly become popular among individuals that are in search of less painful ways to fit in and be stylish.

If you're decided to be stuck with body piercing then by all means, let your body endure the sharp needles and rather painful procedures of body manipulation. But if you're only enjoying a stage or fad of wearing something different, then we suggest using fake body jewelry that is quite believable in its own way.

Body piercing, like all body manipulation procedures, comes with great risks. There's the possibility of being allergic to the metal used or the materials used during the procedure such as soap and alcohol. There's also a chance of bacterial infections and parasitic and protozoan infections.

One cannot also dispel the likelihood that the piercing procedure will leave excess scar tissues and cause keloid formations, not to mention experiencing possible trauma from the pain brought about by the procedure itself. For piercing in the gum, lip or tongue area, viral infections are possible as well as erosion of gums area.

The body accessory market is already flooded with fake body jewelry of various designs, make and color. One can easily get the appropriate set of body jewelry for a specific occasion or event. And if you play your cards right, you might be able to pull it off. This fake body jewelry is amazingly believable. Some attaches to the right portion of the skin so well that they won't come off even if you pull them lightly.

Non-pierced jewelry can either be attached through the use of magnets, springs or by clipping. When using magnets, the body ornament will be equipped with thin magnetic studs which are commonly washable. These backing magnetic studs are placed on the inside of the lip or at the back of the earlobe.

The other piece of the body jewelry is then placed over the area of the magnet on the other side. Because manufacturers of fake body jewelry use strong magnets, the magnetic studs are strong enough to keep body jewelry in place giving the illusion that the lip, ear, noses, etc are pierced.

Another good fake body piercing jewelry design is the use of spring hoops in rings. The springs allow the nose, lip, ear or belly rings to be attached and removed quite easily.

This is a good alternative if you don't want magnet equipped jewelry on your face. Spring-action rings also cause little or no discomfort at all unlike actual piercing which can cause itchiness or inflammation depending, of course, on the person's body chemistry.

There are a lot more non-piercing accessories out there. It's just a matter of looking for a store that sells well made ones. If I were you, I would go and look for the best quality made fake body jewelry. You definitely need a strong magnet, springs that work, etc.


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