Safety During Bird Watching

Safety must always be on your mind when you go bird watching. To help you along, here are some tips you should consider.

When you go bird watching inside the national park, pay a visit first to the visitor’s center or ranger station. Here, you will be able to get a bird guide and some other information which you should know about when you are inside.

Naturally, there may be some wild animals that also live in the park. Some examples of these could be bears, cats, deer, moose and even snakes so be alert when you walking alone. Be sure to also get the contact number of the ranger station because this will be valuable should you need any assistance.

Should you spot a bird, never get too close to them because the birds will fly off. Should there be eggs in their nest, you are jeopardizing the safety of the nestlings due to the weather and from other animals.

It is best to also bring some insect repellant so you don’t get bitten by bees, mosquitoes and other bugs. If you think insects are your only concern, think again because certain leaves and plants could be harmful as well. You could come into contact with leaves from Poison Ivy, Poison Oak or Poison Sumak so be sure you also have a first aid kit so you will be able to control it until you are able to seek medical attention.

What you wear when you go bird watching is also important especially during hunting season. There have been accidents in the past where a hunter mistakenly thought they saw a deer or some other creature so be sure to wear something that clearly marks you are a person.

Aside from a pair of binoculars, bird guide book, pen, camera, food and water, it is best to bring along a walking stick. This will make you test the ground you are about to step on because you don’t want to step on land the sinks beneath your feet.

Never go bird watching alone. Should something happen, no one will hear you so always go with a partner or be part of a group.

Should you decide to spend the night in the forest, keep your food in containers and keep them in bear boxes. This will prevent bears and other creatures from eating your stuff. You should also follow camp fire regulations because you may start a forest fire.

If you are lucky, you may be able to befriend a bird. Should they land on you, feed them some peanuts or a cracker because these are things they can easily consume. You can talk to them and when they are with you, don’t make any sudden moves because this will scare them and make them fly off. When they are done eating, wash your hands with soap and water or alcohol because the birds could leave something on you that may be harmful to humans.

Bird watching is a lot of fun and if you want to enjoy this experience over and over again, it is best to follow the safety rules mentioned. If something is not clear to you, ask a question because when you are out there and something should happen, you have no one to blame but yourself.

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