Simple Tips To Avoid Bed Wetting

Bed wetting tends to run in the family. To help a child to stop wetting the blankets, then it would be great to start them with some encouragement and reassurance, shaming and punishing the child may not work. About 20% of five year olds experience bed wetting, and every year the percentage gets smaller by half.

Some parents let their kids outgrow bed wetting, but some parents are too anxious or frustrated to keep their children dry over the night. There are times when bed wetting could interfere with social activities like attending slumber parties and other overnight activities. It could affect the self-esteem of the child. Teaching a child how to avoid bed wetting could require a lot of patience. Here are some tips which could help your child to stay dry through the night.

• Talk to your child

If your child could already understand, then talk to him. It is better to let your child understand that you want to help him and you are not angry. This would help your child to be more cooperative when trying new measures that will help him dry at night.

• Before going to bed

Give a child less to drink in the evening and ensure he goes to the toilet just before he goes to bed. You could offer sips of drinks but do not give him drinks an hour and a half before bedtime. Lift the baby a couple of hours after he has gone to sleep and again before you go to sleep. The emptier you child’s bladder is, the easier it is to get through the night.

• Muscle and bladder control

For boys, help them increase muscle control. You could put a tennis ball in the lavatory and let him aim, stop, then aim again. Helping young children control their bladder may help them stay dry at night. You could encourage them to wait until their bladder is really full.

• Encourage her to take responsibility.

Whenever your child wet the bed, ask her to help in changing her clothes and blankets. But do not be irritated, be calm. This could motivate the children to get up from the bed next time and go to the bathroom so they would not be changing the sheets next time.

• The trip to the bathroom

Make it easier for the child to go the toilet at night. Children can have fears, so make sure that there is enough light for him to see his way, you could even leave the bathroom light on or put a pot by the bed.

• An overnight stay

You could have your child sleep in a strange bed sometimes. You could sleep with friends or relatives that understand your child’s bed wetting. Sometimes children get to sleep through out the night in a different house without getting wet. This could be an encouraging experience for your child.

• Check constipation problems

The bladder could discharge urine when there is too much pressure exerted on it. Constipated bowel could be a factor or could put pressure on the bladder. There are studies showing that 1 out of 3 children who are suffering from constipation, wet their beds.

• Stress-related bedwetting

If you think that your child is bed wetting because of a stressful even like bullying or drastic changes in the family ( e.g. new baby, death) then it is better to talk to your child first. Make sure to retain an encouraging and helpful tone. This would help your child get over the anxiety.


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