Stop Bad Breath and Be Happy!

Are people stepping back from you when you talk to them? Check your breath. Perhaps, they just can’t tolerate how it smells. It’s easy to know if you have foul breath. You just need to blow on a handkerchief or on your palm and smell it. If it has foul odor, then you better act and stop bad breath immediately!

As you know, your bad breath does you no good. Aside from messing up your social and professional success, it will also cause people to avoid you. If it doesn’t sound so good to you, you should now look for ways, even the natural ones, to stop bad breath.

Tips to Eliminate Bad Breath

• Always Brush and Floss your Teeth

Brushing and flossing – these are the simplest yet most effective ways to attack bad breath. Remember that the number one cause of bad breath is the bacteria that live on our gums and teeth. Such bacteria spread on the food particles stuck in between teeth, producing volatile sulfur compounds which make your breath smell bad.

• Clean your tongue regularly

Do you know that some of the odor-causing bacteria hide on the crevices of your tongue? Most of these bacteria do not survive on oxygen so they choose your mouth as their sanctuary because they can hide on food particles and under a protective layer of proteins and mucus. To stop this, you should get a tongue cleaner and rid your tongue of this layer and the bacteria that thrive under them. Make sure to clean the back of your tongue.

• Increase your Water Intake
A dry mouth is a perfect haven for odor-causing bacteria. Your saliva keeps your mouth moist and it washes the food particles, consequently dissolving volatile sulfur compounds. However, we do things that reduce our saliva flow and cause our mouth to dry. Among such actions are:

- Taking prescribed medicine
- Talking too much
- Exercising
- Alcohol intake
- Dieting
- Smoking

So how can you increase your saliva flow? Simple. Just drink plenty of water. This way, food particles are washed away and your mouth becomes moist making it less friendly to odor-causing bacteria.

• Chew Only Sugarless Gums
If you can’t brush your teeth after eating, then chew a sugarless gum. Through this, your teeth are cleaned and saliva flow is stimulated.

• Gargle Chlorine Dioxide Mouthwashes
The ideal mouthwashes against bad breath are those containing chlorine dioxide. Such chemical directly attacks those volatile sulfur compounds that make your breath foul smelling.

• Look for Signs of Dental Problems
Make sure you don’t suffer from periodontal disease as it makes ideal hiding spots for odor-causing bacteria. Among the signs of periodontal disease are:

- Swollen gums
- Sensitive or loose teeth
- Puss around the teeth
- Pain when chewing
- Tender and bleeding gums

• Consult your dentist at least once a year
For adults, it is advisable to visit a dentist at least once a year to have your teeth checked. The dentist knows the signs of dental problems so you will be advised on what to do to avoid such. Your dentist is also the best person to consult your bad breath with as they can diagnose abscesses, impacted tooth, periodontal disease and other problems causing bad breath.

So stop bad breath by following such tips. These tips are simple and easy to do yet they do a lot to help rid your mouth of that foul, disgusting smell.


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