How to Write Successful Fan Mail to Enhance Your Autograph Collecting

Writing fan letters is one of the many inexpensive ways for autograph collecting to take place. But there are some guidelines that you must follow to enhance your chance of receiving these autographs via mail. Because of time, distance and accessibility of celebrities it is necessary to use other means to do autograph collecting. Since these important and famous people must read hundreds of letters, and maybe thousands of letters, the fan letter should be short and right to the point. You may limit your chances of autograph collecting with a long letter of praises and comments about their books, films, or albums. If the person is real hot at the time of your writing, it may take days, weeks, or even months for your mail to be read. It has been known to take as long as three years for some people to receive a response.

Moreover some never do receive a response to a fan letter. Let’s remember that these people have very tight and challenging schedules. They find themselves in a position sometimes to be all things to all people. So when you are autograph collecting via fan mail you need to factor in some patience and extra time to get what you want - an autograph. There is a slim chance that you will receive an autograph if they have to read through many pages of prose to find your request for an autograph. Make sure the request is at the beginning of the letter, so if time is limited, they know what you want and can go about the business of sending it. They don’t have time to read all the accolades you want to give them.

Nevertheless, they are happy that you have acquired posters, and other items of interests while autograph collecting. All these things that hobbyists collect add to the celebrity’s bottom line. A flattering letter in most situations increases your chance to get something in other scenarios of life, but not in this case. Brevity is the key to getting what you want in this situation. By all means type your letter, if you don’t type, have someone to do it for you. Remember time is of essence here and celebrities do not have time to decipher poor handwriting. If you must write, take your time and make it legible so it can be read quickly. It may be better to print this letter if you do not type. Autograph collecting requires some creativity in many instances to get what you want. Here is one of those times. Not only should you include your request at the beginning of the letter, but you need to highlight this request in some way.

The first thing you need to do is type or print AUTOGRAPHED PHOTO in all caps. This may not be enough so highlight this request by circling it, putting it in color with a highlighter and you may even include extra spaces before and after the words “autographed photo” request. It will surely be seen and you may get results from this letter. Writing fan mail is a method that has been used for years to get autographs. Whatever it takes to make your request stand out DO IT!


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