How to Make Money Autograph Collecting

If you want to make some money autograph collecting you must be ready to make an up front investment. The amount will determine the goals you have for your business. In order to be successful, you should be organized and know the ins and outs of autograph collecting. Autographs must be the real thing to generate a good profit from others.

People are not looking for copies when they buy autographs. Competition is keen in this field. There are several ventures from which to get autographs to sell. The best way to really make a profit is to do your autograph collecting in person. This is a sure fire way of knowing exactly what you are getting. Some autographs sell for more than others just as in the sales of other things. The price of autographs depend on the availability, in other word supply and demand dictates what price you will be able to ask for in resell. Remember there are a lot fraudulent copies on the open market. You will be competing with them in your autograph collecting business.

You will have to learn how to detect scams before you make purchases from dealers and other people who do autograph collecting. With today’s technology, if you are not an expert, it is very hard to tell the real thing from a forgery. Perhaps your first move should be to make contact with an authenticator and get to know him. This will be a reliable source to clear up the reality of what you have collected. As you know it will not always be possible for you to get these autographs for resell in person. It takes some patience and you must watch the market for the supply and demand factor before making some of your sells. There are special wholesale autograph collecting dealers.

It will pay you to get to know as many of them as possible. You will soon find out who is worthy of your trust and who you need to avoid. Learn from the experiences of others. People don’t mind sharing and recommending the good dealers to you. They will also share with you the bad experiences they have had autograph collecting. If you are new to the business stay on guard, because of the advancement in technology you don’t always get what you are looking for. And sometimes the person or dealer from whom you made the purchase is unaware of the forged signature also. Pricing is very important if you expect to make a profit. In order to get what you want at the price you want it will be necessary to attend autograph auctions, autograph conventions, and other wholesale functions for autograph collecting.

You need to know as many reputable wholesale dealers as possible. You may want to start with some internet shopping. Most businesses of this nature have websites and will give you some introductory information about their business as it relates to autograph collecting. You may wish to use the public library to get background information on various personalities.


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