How to do Autograph Collecting Via Mail

Since the days of the pony express, collectors have used the mail to get those things that they treasure, desire and collect. Today is no different. With today high technology, just about any thing you want can be obtained by mail. Autograph collecting is one of those things that is done by mail. By using the mail you can get autographs that you may not be able to get any other way. Collecting via mail is easy. Some research on your part may have to be done first. You have to know the full name and address of your celebrity.

The full name may not be necessary in every case, but you do have to know the name the celebrity uses most frequently. When you are autograph collecting via mail, you also need stamps, #10 envelopes, 9x12 envelopes, pen, unlined paper and unlined cards. If you have a computer, there are many sources available that will help you with your research. After you have gotten all your supplies and addresses, you are now ready to make some contact. Now you are ready to compose your letter. It is always a good idea to type your request. If you cannot type it or get someone to do it for you, make sure you take time to write legible. Let’s remember that celebrities are busy so whatever you write needs to be brief, readable and cordial. If you are not brief and to the point, there is a much lesser chance of you getting a response because they may not have time to read a long 2 or 3 page letter. Some even type AUTOGRAPHED PHOTO in all caps. By all means don’t mention your request casually. Also remember to be complimentary, after all they are human beings too and may just need a little lift. Just in case your celebrity does not have an available photo, autograph collecting includes 3x5 cards that are signed.

These cards may prove to be just as valuable some years later as a signed photo. Autograph collecting can take many forms whether via mail or in person. You need to be prepared to pay postage if you are autograph collecting via mail. It is not fair for the celebrity to give you a photo/signature and pay the postage. Put one stamp on your #10 envelope and 2 stamps on your 9x12 envelop. Make sure you put your return address on your #10 envelopes. This provides an avenue for you to be contacted if there are any problems with your mailing. Your autograph collecting is enhanced when you cover all of your bases. Even though you have done everything you can think of autograph collecting via mail takes a lot of patience. Autograph collecting from these busy people take time.

Travel, work schedules, appearances, fun and time with family take up much of their time. Supplying photos and autographs for autograph collecting is probably done on down time by them or an assigned member of their staff. When you are autograph collecting via mail, it may take years to receive a response. So sit back and relax!


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