Renting an ATV vs. Lugging an ATV on your Next Trip

If you are planning a trip into the outdoors, you may not want to lug your ATV with you. But without it, you will miss out on all the great riding you can do while on vacation. What is an ATV enthusiast to do? If you are going on a long trip and do not like the idea of hauling your ATV or ATV's for your whole family, with you, there are other options that will still allow you to enjoy the outdoors on an ATV.

Many places have ATV's to rent, and if you go with this option you can still enjoy the outdoors on an ATV without having to haul yours along for the trip. If you do decide to rent, follow these tips to make the most of your experience.

Renting an ATV is not cheap, but compare the hassle of lugging yours plus the cost of extra gas to cover the weight of your ATV during the haul, and it may be worth it to you. The other downside of renting an ATV is that it may take some getting used to before you are comfortable with the rented ATV. You may not find one available to rent that is exactly like yours and you may not enjoy the ride as much. If you are not too picky, you will probably be too busy enjoying your trip to notice the difference, so consider renting if riding a different ATV for a day or so does not seem like a big deal.

If you are renting, try to pick an ATV that is close to the model of the ATV you are used to riding. This will make it easier for you to adjust to the new ATV and make riding easier and more enjoyable. If you cannot find a similar model, at least make sure that the weight and engine size of the rented ATV is the same as yours.

Before you agree to rent, you should make sure the ATV you choose is in safe working order. Chances are if you own your own ATV you know how to inspect one for safety. Make sure everything is in good working order and there is no damage that can potentially cause injury.

The best way to decide if an ATV that you will be renting is safe and comfortable is to take it for a quick test drive. Part of the safety inspection should be the tires. Check for proper inflation and make sure they are suitable for the type of terrain you will be riding on. If you are insure what the trails are like where you will be riding, as someone at the rental shop too make sure the ATV you rent is compatible with the trails you will be riding.

Just like renting a car, you should always read the find print and understand the details of your rental agreement. Know if you are responsible for gas and make sure there will be no hidden charges when you are done renting. Some ATV rental places will have optional insurance, others will not and this is something you will have to consider as well.


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