How To Extend Your iPhone Battery Life

If there is anything that annoys more cell phone users it is loosing battery power while you are on the phone. This has happened to nearly everybody, and at least once it caught you by complete surprise. When you are running a cell phone as powerful as the iPhone, it is easy to understand why the battery power begins to drain. When you are listening to your favorite song, checking your email and text messaging several friends at once, you are requiring a lot of the cell phones' power. Thus, you will begin to drain your cell phone of battery life quicker than you thought.

Even though, on the Apple website, they clearly explain the battery life expectations, they only include the information if you are running one application at a time. However, if iPhone users are known for anything, it is for their ability to multitask. Yet, multitasking means a shorter battery life.

However, there are several things that you can do to make your iPhone's battery life even longer. Of course, the iPhone isn't known for draining its battery extremely quick, there is always room for a prolonged battery performance. If you follow these tips, than you will have an iPhone that lasts you longer than you could even imagine. Perhaps the best tip that anyone with an iPhone can follow is to simply turn off your Bluetooth if you are not using it. Very little people understand that when you keep your Bluetooth turned on, when you are not using it, you are draining your battery.

This is because there is a set amount of power that is controlled by the Bluetooth section of your iPhone, and the power is draining because the phone is constantly searching for other Bluetooth devices. If you do not want to pair with a Bluetooth device, than make sure that your Bluetooth is turned off.

Another tip to making your battery life on your iPhone last longer is to always lock your iPhone when you are done using it. When you are finished talking on the phone with your best friend, checking your e-mail or sending a text message, make sure that you activate the lock button. Many people wait for the screen to shut down by itself after they are using it, while this may seem like a great idea, you are wasting battery life by doing so. Also, make sure that you set your auto-lock because this is a great way to ensure your phone will lock itself just in case you forget to. There are many iPhone owners that set their auto lock for five minutes after use.

However, if you multiply this five minutes of power usage by ten times per day, your battery will not last you as long as you might think. This is why it is always suggested that you set your auto lock for one minute (1) after you have completed using your phone. This will ensure that the iPhone screen will not stay lit when it is not being used. If you want to have a hassle-free way to save battery life, than this is the way to do it.


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