nti-Aging Treatment – Getting Back Hormonal Balance

The fluctuation of hormones is a sign that there is hormonal imbalance. Hormonal imbalance affects the whole body resulting to mood swings, infertility and lack of sexual desire. Hormonal balance is very important especially in women. Hormonal balance includes the right concentration of estrogens androgens and testosterone. What this group basically and most popularly does is to improve vigor and vitality, tone the skin and muscles and boost energy and activity.

Because hormonal balance is so important in a women's well being, pharmaceutical companies have developed products that are advertised to restore the balance of the hormones in the system. However, synthetic hormones are not the best solution. Neither should it be opted if possible. Conventional HRT treatments have been linked to cause harmful side effects. Of particular interest are the DHEA treatments. With the DHEA treatments, it is proven that patients exhibit improvements in episodic memory even in young patients. It also provides a sense of well being that limits, if not controls, depressions and decreases the occurrence of evening cortisol.

DHEA is also used in the muscle building of athletes and DHEA supplements are used as performance enhancing drugs. It is also true that endogenous DHEA treatment has also shown to restore oxidative balance on diabetic patients. The down side though are that clinical reports shows a direct correlation between DHEA treatments with the development of breast cancers, ovarian cancers, coronary heart diseases and abnormalities in blood clotting. The less risky approach to anti-aging treatment that will get you back a hormonal balance is:

Lifestyle Change – Stress does not only make a person look old it also robs the person of hormonal balance. Conscious effort then must be made so that stresses are limited to the minimum. Diets could also be changed to include maca, rice, yams, alfalfa, oat, soy, apples, cherries and wheat as these are estrogen rich foods. Often though, changing a lifestyle is only good during planning. Anything that involves a change from what used to be the norm will be bound to be difficult and could fail. If this were the case consider the following.

Alternative Medicine – Old practices are having resurgence in popularity. For one they are really very effective although previously regarded as old school. Second, they have been proven through time that being natural also means that they are safe. Herbal remedies top the list here for providing and improving the hormone balance in the body. Examples of herbs rich in phytoestrogen are dong quai and the black cohosh. These are also the safest, most effective and least expensive. Next is acupuncture. Acupuncture is a method that search for energy pathways in the body by inserting sterile needles. If this one still turns you off, and you need hormone treatments fast, the following may be the only resort.

Drugs and Surgery – Hormone replacement therapy or HRT is the most common. However, this should always be (as mentioned earlier) your last resort due to unfortunate incidence of side effects that result from this treatments.

The three approaches though could be worked out in combination, could be done on different times or could be combined at the same time. Change lifestyle where applicable and practicable and take alternative medicine whenever available. Drugs and surgery could be resorted to only in extreme circumstances but find a good physician.


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