How An Assessment For Dyslexia Changes Your Life

Having dyslexia can have a great effect on your life. It can also affect how people treat you and how they see you. If you and other people are not aware that you have dyslexia, then be ready for a big emotional crisis with your life. This is one reason why getting an assessment for dyslexia, no matter how old you already are, is important.

If you get a formal assessment for the problem, and results show that you are positive for having one, then expect a lot of lifestyle changes to happen with your life. How your outlook on yourself can change along with the outlook of other people around you. That is just one general point of how an assessment can change your life, and there is more to that.

Things Can Now Be Fair

Getting an assessment can make things fair now in your life. For example, examiners or your professors may give you a very low grade, due to your poor performance. But now, once you get an assessment, they can reconsider the marks that they give you and make it somewhat relative to your condition or diagnosed ability.

With dyslexia, what you learn from a course can seem to be less than what normal people do. However, it may only appear less when you are asked to write about it. There are times that you know the lesson and understand it but simply can’t put it into writing. If this is the case, your examiner will be able to rate you fairly and won’t think that you are simply not studying for the subject.

A Different Judgment

If you get a formal assessment, the judgment of other people regarding how you are fit to do a job or not can change. People such as potential employers or admission tutors are some of the people that need to know if you are a dyslexic or not. Since dyslexia can affect a number of functional areas in your life, performing a certain position or a job should be well though of and deliberated on.

Getting into a program, course or job that requires a lot of writing skills can be a problem, especially if this is your major problem area. However, your assessment does not only show your weaknesses, but also your strengths. If your particular strength is pointed out in your assessment, and potential employers see this, their decision can change too.

Support And Grants

Getting financial support and grants are another advantage of getting a formal assessment. There are some organizations, universities or employers that provide additional support to cover for your additional training, guidance or therapy. They can also pay for some learning equipments that you may need such as computers and digital or tape recorders.

Receiving support for this kind of things can be very helpful in a lot of ways, most especially if you are financially challenged. A lot of organizations, companies and institutions are now opening their doors to the disabled population, and this includes the dyslexic population. So there is no reason anymore for you to be afraid of being diagnosed of having the condition.

Extra Time

Getting a formal assessment can also reveal that you may need extra time for taking examinations. In cases of examinations, the extra time given would depend on your assessed skill. Of course, you should not use your being dyslexic as an excuse for personal advantages, or for malingering.


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