Adult Dyslexia Treatment: Using Color

A lot of adults that have dyslexia have learned to device ways on how to manage their condition. One of the methods commonly done is the use of colors.

A Fight With White

According to research, disorders like dyslexia are occasionally affected by color. It is believed that the 'glare' of white paper is the culprit on why children and adults with this condition have a hard time reading the page.

People that have this kind of dyslexia are not able to focus on the information they are reading on plain white paper. Thus, they have a hard time memorizing or learning the information that is written on the paper.

White paper is considered to be very aversive, which is the same reason why learning has become aversive as well.

Putting Some Color Into Your World

Due to this aversion that the color white brings upon, the use of color has been practiced in able to make reading somewhat more pleasant, especially to a dyslexic reader. So here are some ways on how putting color into your life can change your reading and organizational skills dramatically!

Color Coding

This method has been proven effective by a lot of dyslexics. This can have a great effect on your organizational skills. For example, color coding your computer disks by class can be helpful. You can also try making specific colored labels to stick to your disks, or CD’s so that you know which one is for which use.

Buying color coded notebooks can be done too. In this way, you know which notebook is for what class by simply looking at the color. Color coding saves you a lot of time, since you don’t have to waste your time looking through unorganized material.


Since most printed material in the market are usually on white paper, highlighters can become your best friend, if you want to read the page with some color. You can have several highlighters close by when reading books. This can also be helpful when you often lose track of the meaning of what you are reading and what part of the book are you already.

This may seem messy for some people, but it can be very helpful for dyslexics. However, be sure that whatever it is that you are highlighting is yours. Avoid highlighting library books since this can cause you to pay fines or even replace the book.

Colored Paper

If you don’t like highlighting data that you have written, then writing it down or printing it on colored paper would be useful. This can help you read more effectively, since there is no glare from white colored paper. You can do this if you have to print out some data on the computer.

Contrasting Colors

If you have problems with differentiating right from left, then you can try using colors to help you discriminate so. The use of contrasting colors, such as red and blue, would be best. For example, wearing a blue sock on your right foot and a red sock on your left can help you remember which is which.

This can be useful if direction is important with what you do, like in sports. When in training, instead of directing you with right and left, your coach can simply say the color, since it can be one way of associating direction for you.


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