The Several Uses of 3G

3G is already embraced by thousands of individuals all around the globe. You can take advantage by assessing the various features and rates first. There are several tools and equipment that incorporate the features and functions of 3G. You may want to know the added uses when going roaming and the like. Here are some vital information on how 3G has spread to the biggest nations of the world, as well as placed itself in smaller areas too.

A New Level of Broadband

In the United Kingdom, the mobile network Three or 3 presents that 90% of the total population in the nation uses and applies 3G, not to mention 99% having the standard text and talk network which includes 2G, 2.5G and EDGE. As expected, you can get a minimum of 2 Mbit/s if you are stationary or only walking slowly. However, speeds will begin to fall as you gain more movement, such as riding a car running at average city speed.

3G networks in Great Britain will provide you several packages. The package can run up from 1.8 Mbit/s on networks like T-Mobile and increase up to the likes of 7.2 Mbit/s. This is the similar speed as a fixed line given a few hundred meters from the possible exchange in city areas of London that takes the entire concept as quick easy mobile broadband to a new and different level.


The packages offered by service providers may not be the same or sustained 7.2 Mbit/s. Typically, 3GB or 3072 megabytes that is included in a given plan can cost you anywhere between $25 to $50 each month. Three or 3 is offering 15GB at around $50 to $60 each month, or at half the price if you already have an existing plan with the company. Three will not provide headline speeds, however, as fast as the one provided by Vodafone.

3G is still considered as a baby, with high prices being expected due to the high fees for frequency licensing. The basic expenses of getting several teams of engineers to start a nationwide network and maintenance can be quite high. Canada, shows some of the biggest data access fees in the world available to subscribers. The absence of a data agreement with 1KB of data can be priced at $0.05, converting into $50 for every megabyte used on the GSM providers Rogers and Fido in Canada. The creation of a 4G network is under works, which is capable of providing speeds of up to 100 Mbit/s for mobile users and up to 1 Gbit/s when stationary.

For Security

3G provides you the a bigger degree of security compared to 2G predecessors. It allows the UE to authenticate the network that it is connected to, the consumer can be certain that the network is the right one and not impersonated. 3G networks apply the KASUMI block crypto, aside from the older A5/1 stream cipher. Several serious weaknesses in the KASUMI cipher have been pointed out, however. End to end security is provided aside from the 3G network infrastructure security, when frameworks of applications like IMS are connected to, although this is not usually a property of 3G.

Some Issues

3G is successfully introduced to consumers all over the globe, with a number of issues being argued by both users and providers. Expensive input fees for the licenses and agreements can be given, as well as several differences in the licensing terms. There is also the extra expense of acquiring advanced 3G mobile units and the lack of buy-in by 2G mobile consumers in exchange for the new wireless services of 3G.


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